Patient Services


Get Testing, Treatment and Prevention For HIV, Hepatitis C and STDs

At LifeLine Health, we specialize in providing comprehensive primary care for HIV, Hepatitis C, and STDs. This includes prevention and treatment, including PrEP, and PEP. In addition, we connect our patients to specialized support services. Our goal is to create a welcoming and supportive one-stop medical home where all patients, regardless of their sexual orientation, cultural background, financial status, or social status, receive exceptional care and attention.

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Hepatitis C is primarily spread through contact with the blood of an infected person. The most common ways that hepatitis C is spread include:

  • Sharing needles or other equipment used to inject drugs. This is the most common way that hepatitis C is spread.
  • Having unprotected sex with an infected person. However, this is a less common way to spread hepatitis C.
  • From an infected mother to her baby during birth
  • Accidental needle sticks or exposure to an infected person’s blood in a healthcare setting
  • Sharing personal items like razors or toothbrushes with an infected person
  • Tattoo or piercing with unsterilized needles or equipment
  • Exposure to blood on the job, such as for healthcare workers.

It’s important to note that hepatitis C is not spread through casual contact such as hugging, sharing food or drinks, or using the same restrooms. It is important to test for Hepatitis C and get medical treatment if needed to prevent the virus from progressing to chronic infection.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication taken daily that can help prevent the contraction of HIV. It works by blocking the virus from entering and infecting cells in the body. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV.

While missing doses of PrEP can decrease its effectiveness in preventing HIV infection, it still has some level of protection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that even if someone misses several doses, the medication still provides some level of protection against HIV.

It’s important to note that if you miss doses of PrEP or stop taking it altogether, your risk of contracting HIV increases. For maximum protection, it’s recommended to take PrEP consistently and as prescribed. To ensure that you continue to receive the protection you need, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider about strategies to help you stay on track with your PrEP regimen. At LifeLine Health, we can help.

It’s also worth to note that taking PrEP alone may not protect against other sexually transmitted infections and other protective measures such as regular testing, barrier methods, and practicing safer sex should be used in conjunction with PrEP.

There are several ways to prevent the contraction and spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs):


1. Abstinence: Avoiding sexual contact altogether is the most effective way to prevent STDs.
2. Condom use: Consistently and correctly using condoms during sexual activity can greatly reduce the risk of contracting STDs.
3. Regular testing: Getting tested for STDs on a regular basis and discussing your sexual health with your partner(s) is important to ensure early detection and treatment.
4. Vaccinations: Getting vaccinated for certain STDs such as HPV and Hepatitis B can help prevent their contraction.
5. Limiting the number of sexual partners: Having fewer sexual partners decreases the risk of contracting an STD.
6. PrEP: for HIV, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication taken daily that can help prevent the contraction of HIV
7. PEP: for HIV, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a medication that can be taken after possible exposure to HIV to prevent infection.
8. Get treated if you do have an STD. Many STDs can be treated and cured, which helps prevent their spread.

It’s important to remember that STDs can have serious long-term health consequences if left untreated, and it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your partners. If you have any concerns or questions about your sexual health, please contact LifeLine Health today.

Listen To What Our Patients Say…

Cristina Anderson​

I am thankful to the nice people at Lifeline Health. I was so scared when I found out I had been exposed. They guided me and made me feel so at ease. I have not had an issues and I know it’s because I went to Lifeline Health first.

Juan Bustamonte

Thankfully there are places like Lifeline Health to get tested. This place is lowering the risk for our community by educating us and providing the resources to stay healthy. They are making positive changes in the community.

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